Letters to the Editor: Slaughtering 46 million turkeys is an odd way to give thanks

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To the editor: Thanks to The Times for publishing an opinion piece calling on people to honor turkeys instead of eating them. It is hard to speak up and question tradition.
Killing 46 million turkeys for Thanksgiving is a horrific way to honor tradition and to follow cultural norms. Nowadays, we have options.
Thirty years ago, it made sense to my husband and me for us to switch to plant-based foods. It makes even more sense for others now that there are so many plant-based options.
In addition, can you imagine having the job of slaughtering turkeys for a living?
Deborah Suyehara, Los Angeles
To the editor: I echo Gene Baur’s sentiments and have chosen to leave turkey off my Thanksgiving plate.
For people who care about animals — all animals — the holiday season is a difficult time of year. It’s maddening to constantly hear people share their plans to express gratitude by eating the corpse of an innocent sentient being, whether it’s on the news, on social media or even from Peloton instructors.
The true stars of the Thanksgiving meal are the “side” dishes anyway. Sweet potato casserole, anyone?
Mindy Kursban, Fairfax, Va.