
Readers React: Support Trump because he’s anti-PC? You’re being conned

Republican frontrunner Donald Trump speaks in New York on April 26 after winning primaries in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Connecticut, Rhode Island and Delaware.

Republican frontrunner Donald Trump speaks in New York on April 26 after winning primaries in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Connecticut, Rhode Island and Delaware.

(Kena Betancur / AFP/Getty Images)
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To the editor: I was so disheartened, although not too surprised, to read that a Democrat-turned-Donald Trump supporter in Pennsylvania cited “too much political correctness” as her reason. (“Will Trump Democrats play a role in the 2016 presidential race?” April 24)

Good grief. In this big, complicated world with fluctuating global economies, religious extremism and terrorism, climate change, dwindling resources for too many people and myriad other problems, she is really going to vote for the leading Republican presidential candidate because “he doesn’t worry about being politically correct” and she won’t have to lose sleep over hearing someone say “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas”?

I do not understand this obsession with “too much political correctness.” I’m surprised at how much credence people give to this tired old complaint.


Terri Fox, Torrance


To the editor: Why have 61,500 Democrats in Pennsylvania become Republicans so far this year? Simple: The people are angry and want change.

Only Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders and Trump offer change. Since the Democrats have rigged the system to nominate non-change agent Hillary Clinton, they are prepared to go for the possibly disastrous Trump.


Larry Severson, Fountain Valley


To the editor: This needs to be said. It’s the 10,000-pound gorilla in the room.

The people who support Trump are being hoodwinked, bamboozled, grifted, whatever you want to call it — they are being conned. They are falling for a pitchman’s hustle who is blaming all of their woes on “others,” whether it be Mexican rapists or Muslim terrorists.

All of their life problems are the fault of others, and only Trump can fix it. That is what they’re being sold, and they’re buying it hook, line and sinker.


Rather than take stock of their lives and rise up from their misery, they just want to blame someone else for their misfortune. They are ripe for picking, and Trump is harvesting them like nobody’s business.

Scott W. Hughes, Westlake Village

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