
Readers React: If Donald Trump calls a news conference and no reporters show up, does he make a sound?

Donald Trump speaks at a news conference he called after questions were raised over contributions he promised to veterans charities.
(Richard Drew / Associated Press)
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To the editor: If likely Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump calls a news conference and spends most of it ripping apart the journalists, why report on it? (“A testy Donald Trump lashes out at news media and says, ‘I’m not changing,’” May 31)

It is about time the media stop inflating Trump’s ego. Nothing he says or does is newsworthy; it is just sensational. Let him spend his billions buying media time to say whatever comes to his mind.

Marlene Anderson, Oceanside



To the editor: Trump’s latest attack on the press moves beyond the issue of being thin-skinned and into the realm of attempted intimidation of journalists. His hostility toward those who would scrutinize him amounts to contempt for the crucial 1st Amendment protection of a free press, and it reveals yet another of his character flaws.

Trump persists in showing us that his campaign is focused not on the traditions, needs and hopes of the American people, but on himself and his ego.

D. Keith Naylor, South Pasadena



To the editor: It seems like every time Trump gets caught with his hand in the cookie jar, his stock response is this: He calls the guy who bakes the cookies a loser, the jar maker hasn’t got a clue, and the one who actually saw him do it is a sleaze.

Robert G. Brewer, Sherman Oaks

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