
Opinion: Part of Beverly Hills went for Trump. Big surprise.


To the editor: Over my breakfast of huevos rancheros Saturday morning, I spied the article about one Beverly Hills precinct going red and voting for Donald Trump. And it really isn’t a surprise. (“Donald Trump won this one Beverly Hills neighborhood while Clinton took rest of liberal Westside,” Nov. 10)

This is in a city that eschewed the drought, didn’t want the Purple Line subway and operates as if its motto is “not in my backyard.” Yet the immigrants they employ to tend their gardens, clean their homes and watch their children don’t deserve a safe country in which to live. Money trumps all.

What would they do if those immigrants disappeared? Would they vote differently? Perhaps, because it would directly affect them.


Laurie Kilpatrick, Los Angeles


To the editor: Like most lifelong Democrats, I was extremely disheartened by Trump’s victory. I almost despaired of there being anything that Americans of differing views can agree on anymore.

Then, this article quoted an anonymous Trump supporter as saying, “I believe that he is going to be like Nixon.”

At last, something we can all agree on.

Steven Malkson, La Crescenta

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