
The best thing Republicans can do for 2020: Support impeachment

President Trump speaks with reporters on the South Lawn of the White House on April 5.
President Trump speaks with reporters on the South Lawn of the White House on April 5.
(Evan Vucci / AP)
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To the editor: Columnist Jonah Goldberg couldn’t be more right about why there’s a dark cloud hanging over President Trump’s reelection prospects: It’s because of his own personality.

After three years of Trump’s constant media over-exposure, few can deny how his acute narcissism manifests with every unscripted public appearance. Even when Trump sticks to his campaign’s talking points, most voters sense the underlying truth: Every supposed accomplishment of his governance was achieved though a GOP-dominated Congress, whose efforts he abetted primarily through distracting the public with chaos generated by his personality problems.

Now that the Democrats control the House, the GOP no longer can leverage any advantage from Trump’s decidedly unpresidential personality. Thus Republicans soon may welcome impeachment as a way to head their 2020 ticket with a more conventional personality — say, that of Vice President Mike Pence.


Rona Dolgin, Los Angeles


To the editor: Trump’s problem with voters is that he makes everything about him instead of how well the country is doing right now?

To say Trump has “personality trouble” is to whitewash his despicable actions: doggedly attacking the legitimacy of Barack Obama’s presidency; jealously disparaging the war hero Sen. John McCain, even after his death; and calling some of the white supremacists in Charlottesville, Va., “very fine people,” to name just a few.


Adjectives that describe a personality might be fun-loving, outgoing, quiet and perhaps at worst strange. Trump obviously has a self-involved personality, but is that really the problem voters have with him? No.

The problem is his constant lying, disrespectful behavior, vile statements, bigotry, sexism, incompetence and contempt for expertise. To downplay Trump’s horrible qualities as “personality” problems does voters no favors.

Wendy Blais, North Hills


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