
Letters to the Editor: Impeachment is the only way to keep Trump from becoming a monarch

The four law professors called to testify in the President Trump impeachment hearing listen before the House Judiciary Committee on Dec. 4.
(Los Angeles Times)
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To the editor: The L.A. Times Editorial Board’s summary of what the constitutional scholars said at Wednesday’s House Judiciary Committee impeachment hearing was wonderful to read. Unfortunately, President Trump’s supporters probably ignored it. The endless efforts of the Republican Party to confuse the citizenry about Trump’s malfeasance have been successful.

Law professor Michael J. Gerhardt told the committee that not impeaching Trump would effectively make him a monarch. The need to make America great again has never been more clear: Impeachment is the only path forward.

Not pursuing impeachment to spare the country further division would ignore the fact that the framers were aware that the process could result in widespread and possibly even violent disruption (although this did not happen with Andrew Johnson’s or Bill Clinton’s impeachment). Furthermore, impeachment is one of the crucial elements that keeps our country a democracy and not a dictatorship or a monarchy.


Republicans can bellow all they want, but facts are facts. Impeachment must go forward for the sake of our democracy, even if Senate Republicans do nothing.

Stephen Scheffler, Culver City


To the editor: What president hasn’t used the powers of his office for his personal political benefit? Yes, there are limits, but they are rather fuzzy, and presidents nearly always configure policy and programs in ways that are politically beneficial.


Bargaining between countries nearly always involves trades, and Congress has given the president wide discretion on how to administer programs. I would guess that requests for favors are somewhat common between world leaders.

It is important to note that there is a single root to the words “politics” and “policy.” Leaders have always confused their own interests with the country’s. Admirable? No, but voters are always looking for leaders who “really care” about them.

If abuse of power means doing something that is politically beneficial, then impeachment has lost all meaning.


William N. Hoke, Manhattan Beach


To the editor: If the impeachment investigation is slowed, as law professor Jonathan Turley encouraged during his testimony, then there’s 100% chance that more facts, testimony and court cases inconvenient to Trump will emerge.

Trump, his lawyers and his allies in Congress should be careful what they wish for.

Todd Piccus, Venice


To the editor: Once again, the impeachment hearings showcased a group of brilliant, thoughtful Americans. Trump, who regularly demonstrates that he lacks these qualities, has embarrassed our country.

Other than the economy, there is so much from which we need to recover. Republican senators should support removing Trump, which would give them the much more stable and conservative Mike Pence as president.

Jordan Austin, Port Hueneme
