
Letters to the Editor: Trump was the ‘ugly American’ at NATO’s London summit

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To the editor: A video from the recent North Atlantic Treaty Organization summit in London shows clearly what President Trump’s three years in office have meant to the world and its leaders.

The video of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, French President Emmanuel Macron, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Princess Anne sharing their laughter at Trump’s daily contretemps is a clear indication of the scorn held by the world’s true power-brokers for America’s most forlorn puppet on the world stage.

The only thing missing from their derision — and undoubtedly one of the topics for more private contempt — is a discussion concerning the willful ignorance of millions of Republicans who continue to support Trump, the “ugly American.”


John Reed, Hemet


To the editor: In the article “Trump blasts French president at NATO summit planned to show unity,” it was reported that the president “went on a tear” even though he had no news conference scheduled that morning.

This got me thinking: If Trump goes on a tear but there’s no news agency there to report it, would he still make a sound?


Wendy Winter, Altadena
