
Letters to the Editor: Why does the Coastal Commission care about luxury hotel rates?

To the editor: Who knew lower rates at beachfront hotels were a basic human right, provided not by the taxpayers, but by a specific hotel owner and indirectly by full-fare guests?

Really, the California Coastal Commission did not go far enough with the owners of the luxury Shore Hotel in Santa Monica. The less affluent guests should receive airline miles and travel points. They should also get 75% off premium car rentals, because who can imagine the indignity of having to valet park your shopping cart?

Here’s a better idea: Make the L.A. Times give away 50% of its papers to the indigent. Maybe the resulting reduction in journalists’ pay would make them less enthusiastic about lauding an agency whose chief activity seems to be driving nails into the coffin of property rights.


Eric Winter, Manhattan Beach
