
Letters to the Editor: 241,000 dead Americans deserved better than Trump’s failure

President Trump arrives to speak in the White House media briefing room Nov. 5.
President Trump arrives to speak in the White House media briefing room Nov. 5.
(Getty Images)
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To the editor: My father-in-law died last week. He was another victim of the coronavirus. It breaks my heart. He was a survivor of the Cambodian genocide who never got to enjoy retirement despite being in his late 70s. He deserved better than this. (“L.A. County reports 2,318 more coronavirus cases, 25 additional deaths,” Nov. 10)

He gave so much to this country, and our president let him down. This president has failed each and every one of these Americans who have died and the tens of thousands that may die over the next several months.

Donald Trump called himself a “wartime president.” If this is a war, then President Trump has led this country to defeat. Think about the number of American deaths — 241,000, equivalent to 80 Sept. 11 terrorist attacks or 100 Pearl Harbor attacks.


Many Trump supporters say they are not racist. They claim to support the president for his economic programs. Here’s a newsflash: People of color care about the economy too, and yet most of them voted for Biden. Why? For people of color, it doesn’t matter how strong the economy seems to be when systemic racism exists and limits your ability to compete.

The election is over, and I wish I could just forget that the last four years ever happened. But now my family can never forget this nightmare because it cost us and 241,000 other families a loved one.

Americans deserve better than that.

Tony Saavedra, Canoga Park
