
Letters to the Editor: Speed humps won’t solve the problem of reckless driving

  A road with a speed bump.
A speed bump in Massachusetts.
(Nic Antaya for the Boston Globe via Getty Images)
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To the editor: Installing speed bumps on residential streets may slow traffic, but the bumps designed to slow scofflaws also slow/impede emergency vehicles and first responders. Be careful what you wish for. (“Why does it have to be so hard to get a speed hump in Los Angeles?”, Opinion, March 20)

Perhaps more or better traffic law enforcement might help? Ticket the speeders; cite the folks who ignore traffic signs. It never ceases to amaze me how many of the drivers in my area think those eight-sided red signs with the four white letters don’t apply to them.

Beryl Arbit, Encino


To the editor: Speed humps are the ultimate in NIMBY-ism. One person on a block can get them. There is no forum for people opposed to a particular installation. It does not consider all the stakeholders. They just appear.


Harlan Levinson, Los Angeles
