
Fans get to pick pin location for one PGA Championship hole

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Pro golfers have never been shy about griping to officials over tough pin locations.

But when the PGA Championship comes around next month, they may have to direct their complaints elsewhere -- to the fans.

The PGA has launched a campaign in which the public can vote online to select the pin location for the par-three, 181-yard 15th hole on the final day of the annual tournament, which is being played at Oak Hill this year.

“The opportunity for fans to take part in the interactive ‘PGA Championship Pick the Hole Location Challenge’ is part of a new era in engagement that connects golf fans with the season’s final major in a fun and dramatic way,” PGA President Ted Bishop said in a statement.


Voters will chose from four potential locations on the green. Jack Nicklaus, who has signed on as a spokesman, will appear in videos explaining how course setup can influence a player’s strategy.

Nicklaus likened the campaign to “being able to call the shots during the fourth quarter of the Super Bowl.”

“The chance for golf fans to interact with the PGA Championship and play a role in shaping the outcome of the final round fascinates me,” Nicklaus said.


Easy for him to say. He won’t have to play it.


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