
How Can City Section Athletics Be Improved?


On Oct. 11, Barbara Fiege will start her new job as City Section athletic commissioner. City Times asked four coaches which problems Fiege should immediately address.


Dorsey football coach

“I think the biggest problem in the City Section was the same Hal (Harkness) faced when he was commissioner. The athletic commissioner needs to have the final decision and make the decision work without going through the chain of command of the district and having to worry about the political ramifications. . . . If (an) issue goes to the school board, it becomes political. A decision could be made based on the pressure any group can bring to the school board rather than what is the best thing for athletics and what is the best thing for the kids.”



Manual Arts basketball coach

“I think the biggest problem within the City Section is lack of funds. Our section could have the strongest athletic program in the state and one of the top 10 in the country. We have the athletes, but we need more financial support. You see a lot teams that need new uniforms or can’t travel. I went to the Nike Camp and other coaches were wondering why we didn’t have more representation from the inner city. I told them that very few high school athletes can afford to leave Los Angeles.”


Jordan basketball coach

“I would like to see a general playoff format used in basketball, football, baseball and softball. You can seed a team by record, strength or both. However, either way it’s done, there will be inherent problems. I really don’t know how Barbara Fiege is going to do it. But I think she should make one playoff structure the model for all sports.”


retired soccer coach, Garfield

“I think there is a problem with officiating in that some referees have little compassion or understanding when determining the outcome or importance of a game. Once, last year, a referee threw me out of a game without even issuing a red flag (a warning) . . . I think he was totally out of line. Barbara Fiege should instruct the referees to interpret the situation and the circumstances and act accordingly, instead of in haste. I think retired coaches should talk to the referees at scheduled meetings to help them understand the game from a coach’s perspective.”
