
Store Will Host Signing of Book by Tom Hayden


State Sen. Tom Hayden (D-Santa Monica) will sign copies of his new book, “Irish Hunger,” tonight at Martinez Books and Art in Santa Ana.

Hayden edited the compilation of personal reflections on the legacy of the Irish famine by such notables as columnist Jimmy Breslin, actor Gabriel Byrne and authors Peggy O’Brian and Ray Yeates.

Ruben Martinez said he’s delighted to help Hayden introduce the book of Irish authors at his store at 200 N. Main St. The book signing is free and begins at 6:30 p.m. Parking is provided.


“I think it’s great to have an Irish senator in a Mexican bookstore,” Martinez said. “It’s about culture, it’s about learning, it’s about caring and sharing.”

About 100 people are expected at the event, organized by longtime Hayden booster and Democratic activist Tim Carpenter. Jazz keyboardist Ron Kobayashi will entertain.

Carpenter said it’s ironic that this is Hayden’s third visit this year to Orange County, the home of two local legislators--Gil Ferguson and Mickey Conroy, both now out of office--who attempted unsuccessfully to have him removed from office because of his activities opposing the war in Vietnam.

Martinez said he doesn’t know Hayden personally but views him as a humanitarian who is “keeping up with the times.”

“Tom Hayden has done so many things with his life and he’s still here,” Martinez said.

Ferguson and Conroy couldn’t be reached for comment. But Bill Christianson, executive director of the Orange County Republican Party, said Hayden “should have found his way to the draft board” as easily as he finds his way to Orange County.

“We welcome Tom Hayden to Orange County and hope that some of our conservatism rubs off,” Christianson said.
