
Golden West Women Add Volleyball Title


No one will accuse the Golden West women’s volleyball team of over-celebrating after winning the program’s fifth consecutive state title Sunday.

The Rustlers, who swept El Camino in three games in the final at Concordia, gathered on the court for a series of polite hugs and high fives.

There were a few more high fives during the awards presentation but missing was the more typical celebration, where players end up in a giant pile.


But the lack of emotion wasn’t anything new for the players. Coach Albert Gasparian has lamented their outward lack of emotion from the start of the season. The team stayed focused for the most part, blasting to a 27-1 record.

Golden West went 4-0 in the state tournament, winning each match in three games, including the final, 15-13, 15-5, 15-8.

“I was ready for a war,” Golden West Coach Albert Gasparian said. “I didn’t expect this. But it’s great. We just thumped people. . . . This team worked really hard and was more determined.”

Mariah Marquis, a sophomore outside hitter, had 10 kills, 17 digs and earned her second consecutive most valuable player award at the state tournament.

“I really don’t know what to think,” she said. “That’s what you get when you work hard. Our team really picked it up. We knew we could play at this caliber.”

The match began with El Camino, which had already won twice Sunday in order to reach the final, taking a large lead.


The Warriors led in Game 1, 12-7, when Gasparian called his second timeout, which resulted in a Golden West sideout.

Jill Waltermeyer (eight kills) served as Golden West rallied for six consecutive points and a 13-12 lead.

Kristin Smith had a kill to get Golden West another sideout. Her next kill put the Rustlers up, 14-13. Marquis had a strong kill to end the game.

El Camino (22-5) couldn’t overcome the letdown of losing a large lead and fell in Game 2, 15-5.

The Warriors rallied early in Game 3, but Golden West scored nine of the last 12 points to win, 15-8.

Smith (nine kills), and setter Becky Sidoti (38 assists) made the all-tournament team.
