
L.A. Schools’ Report Card / GRADE 10

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How did your school do on the statewide tests?


In California, almost 4.2 million public school students in grades 2 through 11 took the Stanford 9 standardized tests this spring, for the second year in a row. All of them were tested in reading, math and writing. Students through grade 8 also took a spelling test, and students in higher grades took exams in science and history/social science.

On Thursday, the state Department of Education released scores for each school. The Times today presents scores from selected testing subjects, and from three “bellwether” grades: fourth, eighth and 10th.

Readers who want to know how a school in Los Angeles County is doing can use this cross-section of scores as a gauge. But keep in mind that these are results for individual grades only, not the entire school. Scores vary from grade to grade--and from classroom to classroom--even at the same school.


Results for all grades, schools and districts in all categories will be available on the Internet at a state Web site at

To find your school’s scores:

* Look first for the grade level: “Grade 4” for elementary school, “Grade 8” for middle school or “Grade 10” for high school.

* Then, search down the column to find your school district. Individual schools are listed underneath, in alphabetical order.


* The scores appear to the right of your school’s name. The columns report 1998 and 1999 testing data in the “Reading” and “Math” categories. Use the guide at the top of each column of numbers to determine which category the score is in.

For each test, the chart shows the national percentile rank achieved by students in each school, in both years. (See below: “How to Interpret the Percentile Rank.”)

(Note: State officials warn that strict comparisons of a school’s 1998 and 1999 scores may be misleading. One reason is that Proposition 227 has brought major changes in instruction for students not fluent in English, and the Stanford 9 test is designed to measure achievement by students who are fluent.)


* The chart also has a category labeled “%LEP Tested.” This column of numbers shows the percentage of students who took the test at the school who were classified as “limited English-proficient.” Schools with a higher percentage of such students will tend to have lower scores, in part because these students may have had difficulty understanding the questions, which were all in English.

* The far right column, labeled “Std. 99,” shows student performance on questions reflecting California’s standards in language arts. The score is the average number of questions answered correctly by students in that grade. (Students in the grades listed here answered 90 such questions.) Because this is the first year for such questions, there is as yet no definition of what is “good” or “bad.”


Note: An asterisk (*) means the number of students tested was 10 or fewer. A dash (--) means data were unavailable.



Even among experts, there is no one view on what a percentile rank tells about school performance. But a rank of 50 means that, taken together, the school’s students were right at the national average when measured against a sample of their peers across the country--even though some students at the school may be doing quite well and others poorly.

A percentile rank of 25 or less suggests that many of the students are doing poorly when measured against the national sample. A rank of 75 or above shows that a high percentage of students are doing well. Scores for grades or schools in which few children were tested may appear abnormally high or low, and should be interpreted cautiously.

Comparing the individual scores sent to your home with those of the school will help you gauge where your child ranks against classmates.




You might want to compare your school’s average with that of your entire district, Los Angeles County or the state. These were the average percentile scores for the state and Los Angeles Unified:

* Grade 4

Reading: State: 42nd percentile. Los Angeles County: 33rd percentile

Math: State: 44th percentile. Los Angeles County: 38th percentile

* Grade 8

Reading: State: 46th percentile. Los Angeles County: 38th percentile

Math: State: 48th percentile. Los Angeles County: 41st percentile

* Grade 10

Reading: State: 32nd percentile. Los Angeles County: 26th percentile

Math: State: 45th percentile. Los Angeles County: 41st percentile


Main story, A1.

How to Read the Scores

A quick reader’s guide to the tables: What the categories are and what the scores mean. For more information on the tests and an expanded explanation of the tables, see main story, A1; box, U2.

* Reading ‘98: The score reflects the school’s national percentile rank on 1998 Stanford 9 test.

* Reading ‘99: National percentile rank on 1999 Stanford 9 test.

* Math ‘98: National percentile rank on 1998 Stanford 9 test.

* Math ‘99: National percentile rank on 1999 Stanford 9 test.

(Note: In the Reading and Math tables, a score of 50 means that taken together, the school’s students were right at the national average when measured against a sample of their peers across the country. A percentile rank of 25 or less suggests that many of the students are doing poorly when measured against the national sample. A rank of 75 or above shows that a high percentage of students are doing well. Scores for grades or schools in which few children were tested may appear abnormally high or low, and should be interpreted cautiously.)


* %LEP Tested: Percentage of students taking the test at the school who were classified as “limited English-proficient.”

* Std. 99: Average number of questions, out of 90, answered correctly on the portion of test reflecting California’s content standards in language arts.



Note: An asterisk (*) means the number of students tested was 10 or fewer. A dash (--) means data were unavailable.


These tables do not include scores for schools in Glendale or Long Beach.

The company that scored the tests acknowledged last week that it had made errors in calculating the percentile rank of schools that operate a year-round schedule in 44 districts around the state.

An official with Harcourt Educational Measurement said the problems were corrected for most districts. But problems remained with the scores for Glendale, Long Beach and the Ontario/Montclair district in San Bernardino County. Correct scores for those districts will be posted on the Internet as soon as they are available.




Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Statewide 32 32 43 45 14.1 50.2


Los Angeles County


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Los Angeles County 26 26 39 41 18.8 48.0


ABC Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 ABC Unified 39 38 61 61 13.0 52.6 ABC Secondary 15 17 18 21 12.2 35.7 Artesia High 17 20 40 40 26.4 43.6 Cerritos High 54 52 75 76 6.0 58.8 Gahr High 30 29 51 49 14.3 48.3 Whitney High 88 86 95 96 -- 74.5


Acton-Agua Dulce Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Acton-Agua Dulce Unified 39 37 38 34 -- 51.4 Vasquez High 39 37 38 34 -- 51.4



Alhambra City High


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Alhambra City High 27 26 49 55 39.3 49.0 Alhambra High 31 29 50 57 36.4 49.8 Independence High 12 23 14 33 11.2 43.6 Mark Keppel High 33 30 63 64 36.8 51.4 San Gabriel High 20 21 41 48 46.0 46.3


Antelope Valley Union High


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Antelope Valley Union High 32 31 37 38 2.4 48.8 Antelope Valley High 25 27 32 33 4.4 46.0 Antelope Valley Union High Community 7 8 16 16 -- 33.0 Highland High 35 37 40 44 2.6 51.9 Lancaster High 44 34 45 41 2.3 50.2 Littlerock High 29 24 33 32 2.6 46.1 Palmdale High 29 29 35 36 2.2 47.7 Quartz Hill High 40 43 45 49 0.9 53.6


Arcadia Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Arcadia Unified 53 52 73 78 12.0 60.1 Arcadia High 54 52 74 79 12.5 60.4 Rancho High 13 22 24 31 -- 43.4


Azusa Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Azusa Unified 16 17 26 27 29.1 42.0 Azusa High 16 21 26 28 36.6 43.2 Gladstone High 18 18 27 28 24.7 43.1


Baldwin Park Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Baldwin Park Unified 14 17 23 24 8.0 43.0 Baldwin Pk Community Day * * -- Baldwin Park High 13 18 25 27 9.0 45.4 Sierra Vista High 18 19 24 23 8.6 43.2


Bassett Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Bassett Unified 12 15 23 28 24.1 40.2 Bassett Senior High 12 16 24 29 24.9 40.6



Bellflower Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Bellflower Unified 23 26 31 35 12.8 46.6 Bellflower Alternative * * 100.1 Bellflower High 18 23 27 33 19.5 46.9 Mayfair High 33 31 40 41 6.5 48.0


Beverly Hills Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Beverly Hills Unified 57 61 77 78 6.6 63.2 Beverly Hills High 57 61 78 78 6.7 63.3


Bonita Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Bonita Unified 42 39 47 49 1.2 53.7 Bonita High 46 41 52 53 1.3 54.6 San Dimas High 41 40 46 49 1.1 54.1 Vista K-12 22 30 24 31 -- 46.6


Burbank Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Burbank Unified 36 36 49 50 15.9 51.0 Burbank High 33 36 51 53 20.3 51.6 Burroughs High 41 37 52 50 11.7 51.6


Centinela Valley Union High


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Centinela Vly Union High 16 15 25 26 10.1 41.4 Hawthorne High 17 15 27 27 9.9 41.0 Lawndale High -- 20 -- 26 6.0 45.2 Leuzinger High 14 14 23 25 12.9 41.2


Charter Oak Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Charter Oak Unified 39 38 49 45 7.0 52.0 Bridges Community * * -- Charter Oak High 40 41 51 48 7.7 53.1 Oak Knoll Alternative * * --



Claremont Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Claremont Unified 56 50 66 61 4.6 57.8 Claremont High 58 53 67 64 4.9 59.1


Compton Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Compton Unified 11 10 20 21 2.0 36.9 Centennial High 8 9 17 20 -- 35.0 Compton Comty Day High * 6 -- Compton High 14 12 22 22 3.3 38.8 Dominguez High 10 8 20 21 1.8 26.7 Marshall -- 14 -- 18 -- 40.1


Covina-Valley Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Covina-Valley Unified 34 32 42 46 4.6 50.2 Covina High 36 32 41 46 7.8 50.7 Northview High 23 27 35 43 3.5 46.9 Ranger High 25 11 26 20 8.1 38.1 South Hills High 42 40 52 55 2.1 54.8


Culver City Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Culver City Unified 36 34 43 45 9.5 51.3 Culver City Independent Study * 12 * 17 20.1 41.7 Culver City Senior High 39 37 46 49 8.7 52.6


Downey Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Downey Unified 28 29 40 41 20.7 49.5 Downey High 29 28 39 40 18.9 49.8 Warren High 29 33 44 44 22.2 50.7


Duarte Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Duarte Unified 16 21 27 35 2.4 42.5 Duarte High 17 23 28 35 2.7 43.5



El Monte Union High


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 El Monte Union High 18 17 33 35 30.2 42.2 Arroyo High 22 19 37 38 30.8 44.5 El Monte High 15 14 29 30 45.1 41.9 Mountain View High 17 14 33 32 23.7 38.5 Rosemead High 23 24 46 48 27.8 45.4 South El Monte High 12 18 22 35 24.6 42.5


El Rancho Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 El Rancho Unified 18 18 32 32 29.2 43.1 El Rancho High 18 18 32 32 29.3 43.3


El Segundo Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 El Segundo Unified 54 61 59 70 5.0 62.3 El Segundo High 56 61 62 70 5.1 62.7


Glendora Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Glendora Unified 40 49 55 61 2.0 57.1 Glendora High 42 51 57 61 2.1 57.9


Hacienda La Puente Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Hacienda La Puente Unified 25 23 42 41 16.9 46.5 La Puente High 17 15 27 27 23.7 41.2 Los Altos High 34 31 58 55 13.5 50.2 Puente Hills High * * -- Wilson High 36 35 59 56 13.2 53.0 Workman High 18 14 29 26 20.4 41.0


Inglewood Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Inglewood Unified 14 14 22 22 0.7 40.8 Inglewood High 17 14 23 23 -- 41.1 Morningside High 12 15 20 22 1.4 40.7



La Canada Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 La Canada Unified 70 71 81 83 1.8 67.4 La Canada High 70 71 81 83 1.8 67.6


Las Virgenes Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Las Virgenes Unified 64 65 71 74 2.6 62.9 Agoura High 67 66 73 74 2.2 63.5 Calabasas High 63 66 73 76 3.3 62.9


Los Angeles County Office of Education


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Los Angeles County Office of Education 11 11 19 20 4.2 35.8 Intl. Polytechnic High 47 50 48 45 -- 58.9 L.A. County High School for the Arts 63 61 62 59 4.2 63.5 Soledad Enrichment Action 6 6 14 15 -- 29.7


Los Angeles Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Los Angeles Unified 22 22 33 36 23.3 45.7 Banning Senior High 21 19 32 32 22.1 43.5 Bell Senior High 16 17 29 35 33.8 42.2 Belmont Senior High 13 16 27 30 38.7 41.7 Birmingham Senior High 28 23 38 37 21.1 47.2 Bravo Medical Magnet 43 43 57 61 2.5 57.1 Canoga Park Senior High 17 19 31 40 26.5 44.3 Carson Senior High 22 22 32 38 8.3 44.7 Chatsworth Senior High 29 26 43 46 19.6 48.7 City of Angels 21 21 24 23 -- 43.4 Cleveland High 32 29 45 49 30.5 48.8 Crenshaw Senior High 15 16 24 26 11.9 41.7 Dorsey Senior High 13 15 18 22 18.9 42.3 Downtown Business High 30 27 40 39 21.6 49.8 Eagle Rock Junior-Senior High 31 32 41 44 15.6 51.0 El Camino Real Sr. High 43 52 56 66 12.4 58.8 Elizabeth Learning Ctr. 20 17 22 26 29.4 41.7 Fairfax Senior High 26 23 37 38 27.5 45.3 Foshay Learning Center 24 31 38 41 21.0 50.0 Francis Polytechnic 18 16 29 31 35.0 42.3 Franklin Senior High 18 20 28 34 28.0 44.9 Fremont Senior High 11 11 21 22 49.1 38.3 Gardena Senior High 18 18 26 29 16.2 44.3 Garfield Senior High 13 18 24 31 29.7 42.8 Granada Hills Sr. High 45 53 63 66 6.5 59.9 Grant Senior High 25 25 39 40 25.6 47.3 Hamilton Senior High 31 36 39 41 14.6 52.4 Hollywood Senior High 18 18 29 30 39.6 43.1 Huntington Park Sr. High 17 16 28 26 24.4 40.5 Jefferson Senior High 10 13 22 26 47.8 39.4 Jordan Senior High 9 11 17 24 39.7 37.7 Kennedy High 21 26 34 38 19.5 47.4 King/Drew Medical Magnet High 38 35 37 41 3.9 52.0 Lincoln Senior High 14 15 30 30 37.7 40.8 Locke Senior High 9 8 19 22 36.7 34.3 Los Angeles Center for Enriched Studies 62 61 64 65 -- 63.2 Los Angeles Senior High 16 14 29 27 38.9 40.6 Los Angeles Unified Alternative 11 13 17 19 0.6 39.1 Manual Arts Senior High 12 13 21 21 41.5 38.0 Marshall Senior High 20 22 37 38 29.8 46.2 Mid City Alternative 26 9 24 11 4.8 33.9 Monroe High 22 21 32 30 34.3 44.6 Narbonne Senior High 25 33 41 47 12.4 51.1 North Hollywood Sr. High 29 26 44 42 26.1 49.4 Palisades Charter High 39 49 53 62 9.0 56.7 Reseda Senior High 24 23 35 41 31.8 45.8 Roosevelt Senior High 17 15 30 30 29.4 41.3 San Fernando Senior High 17 20 28 30 26.0 43.9 San Pedro Senior High 39 36 46 45 10.8 52.6 Sherman Oaks Center for Enriched Studies 52 56 61 71 5.2 61.1 South Gate Senior High 17 20 26 30 16.9 43.3 Sylmar Senior High 18 20 29 35 24.2 44.8 Taft Senior High 35 35 50 52 10.6 51.7 Tri-C Community Day 16 8 21 19 8.4 33.5 University Senior High 30 30 44 43 17.5 49.5 Valley Alternative 40 37 32 38 4.2 54.3 Van Nuys Senior High 38 37 49 51 21.2 52.2 Venice Senior High 27 29 41 43 16.6 49.8 Verdugo Hills Sr. High 25 23 41 37 15.5 45.9 Washington Prep. High 16 15 24 24 12.6 40.6 Westchester Senior High 28 28 32 35 2.2 48.8 Westside Alternative 35 18 26 25 15.1 38.4 Wilson Senior High 19 19 36 37 22.4 43.8 Thirty-Second St. USC Performing Arts 41 36 50 41 9.3 54.3


Lynwood Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Lynwood Unified 14 14 22 24 63.9 40.4 Lynwood High 15 15 22 25 67.0 41.2


Manhattan Beach Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Manhattan Beach Unified 56 60 59 68 4.0 62.4 Mira Costa High 56 60 59 68 4.0 62.4



Monrovia Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Monrovia Unified 26 23 36 34 10.3 46.3 Monrovia High 28 24 39 34 10.7 46.8


Montebello Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Montebello Unified 18 18 28 32 28.5 41.9 Bell Gardens High 17 18 25 30 56.3 41.8 Montebello High 17 16 27 34 1.4 41.2 Schurr High 21 21 35 36 29.7 44.9


Norwalk-La Mirada Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Norwalk-La Mirada Unified 22 25 32 33 2.5 46.8 Glenn High 16 18 28 29 2.6 43.2 La Mirada High 35 40 44 47 0.2 54.4 Norwalk High 16 19 25 27 5.7 42.4


Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified 64 65 81 83 12.5 65.0 Palos Verdes Peninsula High 65 65 82 83 12.6 65.3


Paramount Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Paramount Unified 15 15 26 28 31.3 42.7 Paramount High 15 16 27 28 31.1 43.0


Pasadena Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Pasadena Unified 23 26 30 35 15.6 48.2 Blair High 18 30 25 35 8.8 48.2 Marshall Fundamental 29 33 31 40 28.3 50.1 Muir High 23 22 29 32 17.2 47.0 Pasadena High 23 27 32 39 12.4 49.7



Pomona Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Pomona Unified 15 21 23 34 33.9 45.4 Diamond Ranch High -- 41 -- 54 8.5 54.6 Ganesha Senior High 14 17 23 24 48.6 41.9 Garey Senior High 15 16 25 29 50.3 41.9 Pomona Alter. Secondary 13 13 17 20 23.8 36.9 Pomona Senior High 17 15 24 33 32.0 42.1


Redondo Beach Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Redondo Beach Unified 38 42 53 52 -- 54.6 Redondo Union High 38 42 53 52 -- 54.6


Rowland Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Rowland Unified 28 30 48 53 15.2 49.7 Nogales High 23 26 40 45 19.2 48.0 Rowland High 35 38 59 67 11.7 53.6 Rowland Unified Community Day 19 12 31 28 7.2 41.5


San Gabriel Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 San Gabriel Unified 30 31 46 51 34.7 50.9 Gabrielino High 31 31 51 51 34.9 50.9


San Marino Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 San Marino Unified 62 72 87 92 7.3 67.3 San Marino High 62 72 87 92 7.3 67.3


Santa Monica-Malibu Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Santa Monica- Malibu Unified 44 47 53 58 12.4 57.1 Malibu High 55 54 66 61 3.8 59.5 Santa Monica High 41 46 51 58 13.9 56.9



South Pasadena Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 South Pasadena Unified 57 58 73 74 4.6 59.9 South Pasadena Sr. High 57 58 73 74 4.6 59.9


Temple City Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Temple City Unified 37 43 62 71 -- 56.8 Temple City Alternative * * -- Temple City High 38 44 64 72 -- 57.2


Torrance Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Torrance Unified 42 45 58 64 12.0 56.1 North High 37 40 53 58 11.8 53.1 South High 46 54 62 72 10.4 58.0 Torrance High 44 36 54 55 12.4 54.8 West High 46 50 65 71 13.5 58.6


Walnut Valley Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Walnut Valley Unified 49 47 69 73 9.7 57.8 Destiny Community Day * * -- Diamond Bar High 53 49 75 75 10.5 59.8 Walnut High 48 48 67 74 9.4 57.2


West Covina Unified


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 West Covina Unified 26 28 35 37 6.3 49.3 West Covina High 27 29 35 38 6.3 49.8


Whittier Union High


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 Whittier Union High 25 26 37 42 14.0 46.0 California High 29 32 42 52 8.1 48.9 La Serna High 34 34 53 53 19.7 51.2 Pioneer High 22 17 29 34 14.0 41.3 Santa Fe High 21 24 34 38 14.2 45.8 Sierra Vista High 16 21 19 18 7.2 39.2 Whittier High 24 23 33 37 16.2 43.4



William S. Hart Union High


Read Read Math Math % LEP Std. Name 98 99 98 99 Tested 99 William S. Hart Union High 44 41 52 54 6.6 53.2 Canyon High 44 49 46 59 5.7 57.2 Hart High 42 41 51 54 12.9 52.3 Learning Post High 42 61 36 47 -- 59.6 Saugus High 51 35 63 53 2.8 50.7 Valencia High 46 42 54 54 5.3 53.3

