
Four Killed as Driver Loses Control of Car

From a Times Staff Writer

Four passengers were killed when a 19-year-old Long Beach woman driving up to 90 mph lost control of her car, striking a fire hydrant, a light pole and another car in Carson, a California Highway Patrol spokesman said Sunday.

Coroner’s officials identified two of the dead as Ismael Peraza of Compton and Michael Wildman of San Diego, both 16. They were pronounced dead at the scene.

The unidentified driver was taken to Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, where she was treated for a broken pelvis and internal injuries, said CHP Officer Patrick Kimball.


The accident occurred at 5:18 p.m. Saturday when the woman, driving a 1991 Chevrolet Camaro, tried to change lanes while going north on Wilmington Avenue near Victoria Street. She moved into the fast lane but noticed slower vehicles ahead, whipped back into the slow lane and lost control of the car, Kimball said.

The vehicle skidded off the road, hit a fire hydrant and light pole and careened back into traffic, hitting the rear end of a Ford Mustang.

Authorities have not released the names of the others killed in the crash.
