
Readers React: A favorable Mueller report doesn’t make Trump less unfit to be president

President Trump waves before boarding Air Force One for a campaign trip to Michigan on March 28.
President Trump waves before boarding Air Force One for a campaign trip to Michigan on March 28.
(Nicholas Kamm / AFP/Getty Images)

To the editor: Not disputing that Russia worked to get President Trump elected, columnist Jonah Goldberg says, “The Trump campaign may have been dishonorably happy for the help, but that’s not collusion.”

Maybe not collusion, but Trump’s happiness for the help instead of loudly condemning it is shocking. As president, he has not reprimanded Russia for past and continued tampering. These facts suggest less about Trump’s “legitimacy” to be president and more about his “fitness.”

As for fitness, where do I start? In 2016 he said Sen. John McCain wasn’t a war hero, and he continued to attack him even after his death last August. Throw in the constant lying and the birtherism, and Goldberg might wish to revisit the notion of Trump’s fitness to be president.


Mark Davidson, Santa Ana


To the editor: Goldberg states that a “chapter has closed but the story goes on.”

Of course it will. One thing you can always count on the Democrats to do is to push this collusion narrative. They never, ever give up. They know that the feckless Republicans will eventually throw in the towel.

Zealots like House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Burbank) will pursue this through the 2020 election.

Joseph A. Lea, Mission Viejo


To the editor: No, we don’t want to believe that Trump is illegitimate. We would prefer to believe that he is doing the job he is sworn to do.


To be able to do that, we need to know why so many of his top associates had so many contacts with so many Russians; why they lied about this; why Trump fired former FBI Director James B. Comey (he said on national TV it was to end the Russia investigation); and why he hews to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s party line.

We can’t understand the willful lack of curiosity about the answers to these important questions — not answered by Atty. Gen. William Barr’s summary of the report — by Trump’s supporters.

Daniel Fink, Beverly Hills

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