
Meeting His Mentor


As quarterback and captain, Charlie Wegher had it all when he played at Westlake High in 1981. Including a coach he respected and ultimately emulated, George Contreras.

Sixteen years later, Wegher will try to hang a loss around Contreras’ neck.

Agoura High, coached by Wegher, plays host to Contreras’ unbeaten Rio Mesa Spartans on Friday. Agoura must stop the same Delaware wing-T offense Wegher once directed at Westlake.

“We ran the wing-T even though Charlie was a throwing quarterback,” Contreras said. The Warriors qualified for the playoffs in 1981 and finished 6-5.


Beyond being a quiet, hard-working signal-caller, Wegher was someone Contreras could envision becoming a coach.

“He had a real interest in the game,” Contreras said. “He wasn’t super talented and he wasn’t the world’s fastest guy. I could beat him in a race right now.”

Wegher went on to play at Cal State Northridge before showing up at Westlake in 1985 to ask Contreras for a job. Wegher learned under his former coach for three seasons.

“He worked at his craft,” Contreras said. “So many guys call and say, ‘I want to be your offensive coordinator,’ and when I say I need a freshman coach they get offended.

“Charlie was different. He wanted to learn how to coach.”
