
A look at some of the controversial calls from Week 3 in the NFL

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Some of the controversial calls and non-calls from Week 3 of the NFL season:


• On the last play of the Green Bay-Seattle game, Seahawks receiver Golden Tate should have been called for offensive pass interference before he made the controversial game-winning touchdown catch. He clearly shoved aside a Packers defender before jumping for the ball.

• On the previous Seattle possession, the Seahawks were the beneficiaries of two bad calls. A Green Bay interception was overturned for a roughing-the-passer penalty that shouldn’t have been called because quarterback Russ Wilson had scrambled outside the pocket, meaning he should be treated as a runner.

• Later in that same possession, Green Bay cornerback Sam Shields had inside position on Seattle receiver Sidney Rice, and was in better position to catch the football, yet was flagged for pass interference; a 32-yard penalty after a first-and-25 play.


• San Francisco 49ers Coach Jim Harbaugh was given two challenges after he called timeout in the fourth quarter against the Minnesota Vikings. Neither challenge should have been allowed once Harbaugh requested a timeout.

• In the Detroit-Tennessee game, a helmet-to-helmet hit penalty by the Lions ended up a 27-yard penalty because it was marked from the wrong spot.

• With 16 seconds to go in the Detroit-Tennessee game, the Lions’ Nate Burleson made a catch, then lost the ball in what appeared to be a fumble. An official even threw his beanbag on the ground to mark the return spot. However, another official overruled, calling the pass incomplete. No replay review was done, even though in the last two minutes all plays can be reviewed by the booth.

• In the Cincinnati-Washington game, the Redskins were penalized 20 yards instead of 15 for unsportsmanlike conduct in the final seconds of their 38-31 loss. Worse is how the unsportsmanlike penalty came about. Robert Griffin III spiked the ball to stop the clock with seven seconds left. Then a false start penalty was called on Washington. Redskins Coach Mike Shanahan said he was told there would be a 10-second runoff because of the penalty, and the game was over. However, no runoff should have been called because of the previous spike. When Washington argued, the team got the unsportsmanlike penalty, which resulted in a third-and-50 because of the wrong yardage being marched off.

•Raiders receiver Darrius Heyward-Bey was taken to the hospital with a neck injury after a helmet-to-helmet hit from Steelers safety Ryan Mundy that was not penalized.

• Miami tight end Anthony Fasano was ruled to have made a catch near the Jets’ goal line even though the ball touched the ground, and moved, as he was tackled. The play was reviewed and was not reversed.

— Los Angeles Times
