
Carlos Quentin should receive a longer-than-normal suspension

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After Carlos Quentin broke the collarbone of Dodgers pitcher Zack Greinke by charging the mound and flinging him to the ground, Dodgers Manager Don Mattingly suggested that Quentin be suspended for as long as Greinke is on the disabled list.

That might be in the range of two months. And, even sympathizing with the vengeful attitude of Dodgers fans, that’s too long.

There has to be some sort of proportion and precedent. If Quentin had flunked a steroid test, he would be suspended 50 games. It’s hard to say he should get a longer suspension for going after Greinke.


The standard suspension for charging the mound is in the range five or six games. In this case, that is not enough -- and not just because Greinke was injured. Quentin repeated that the incident “could have been avoided” but put all the blame on Greinke, for what Quentin said was the pitcher’s history of throwing at him.

The incident was essentially premeditated. After Greinke hit Quentin with the pitch, Quentin said Greinke said something to him. Quentin wouldn’t say what, but he also wouldn’t say he wouldn’t have charged the mound if Greinke had said nothing. Quentin also said he had no remorse, even after hearing about the injury.

Injury, premeditation, lack of remorse? Sounds like 15 to 20 games to me.

Vote in our poll and tell us how long you think he should be suspended.



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